Have a good and creative day! And thanks for stopping by ;)
21 February, 2010
LO "Sweetheart"
Hei alle sammen! Here is my new LO "Sweetheart". Just a simple LO. Had some fun with my new puncher, he he... Ulrika is 8 month in a photo, and a photo is taken during the fishing tour in Hemsedal, he he...
Butterflies from a closer look...
While I was duing the LO above, Ulrika (she is 2 years old now) made some decorations on boxes of her pencils, he he...
Have a good and creative day! And thanks for stopping by ;)
Have a good and creative day! And thanks for stopping by ;)
17 February, 2010
15 February, 2010
'Canvas' picture
Hello there! This is my new work - picture on a wall. A photo of Ulrika is from a last summer.
A closer look:
Yes, it looks like a canvas, but it is not! I've got an idea, how to make my own 'canvas' without even having a real canvas. This polystyrene foam pad will be a perfect frame for our 'canvas', he he...
Thank you for stopping by! Have a good and creative day!
Taip, tai atrodo kaip drobe, but tai nera drobe! Man kilo ideja, kaip pagaminti drobe, neturint tikros drobes. Sis polistireninio putplascio gabalas puikiai tiks kaip drobes remas, cha cha...
I used Whitewashed cardstock paper from Coredinations with Canvas look. Firstly I measured the size of a polystyrene foam pad and made folding marks on a paper. Cardstock is difficult to fold, but firm to hold.
As panaudojau Whitewashed kartonini popieriu is Coredinations, kuris turi drobes imitacijos pavirsiu. Pirmiausiai as ismatavau polistireninio putplascio dydi ir atitinkamai padariau lankstymui zymes ant popieriaus. Kartonas sunkiai lankstosi, todel ibrezimai reikalingi, taciau jis graziau ir tvirciau laikosi.
I glued the polystyrene foam pad first to the paper like that:
Pirmiausiai priklijavau polistirenini putplasti prie popieriaus stai taip:
Nepamirskite ikirpti viena is popieriaus krasteliu, kad suformuoti grazu kampa.
Ilgieji krasteliai klijuojami pirmiau nei trumpieji :)
If there is more paper on the edges, you have two possibilities: either to cut it off, or fold it and glue it to the back side. In my case, I did not have that much of a paper left, so I just cut it off, he he...
Jei yra atliekamo popieriaus krastuose, yra dvi galimybes: arba nukirpti atliekama popieriaus krasteli, arba uzlenkti ir priklijuoti ji blogojoje puseje. Mano atveju, kadangi nebuvo daug popieriaus like krastuose, as ji tiesiog nukirpau, cha cha...
And that is how the ready to decorate 'canvas' look like. Doesn't it look like real? He he...
I used sand paper to make edges of a 'canvas' nicer, he he... The whitewashed cardstock is just perfect for that...
Ir stai kaip atrodo jau paruosta dekoravimui 'drobe'. Argi ji neatrodo kaip tikra? Cha cha...
As panaudojau svitrini popieriu apdoroti 'drobes' krasteliams, kad atrodytu lygiau ir graziau, cha cha... Sis popierius tiesiog idealus tokiam sendinimui...
So I just need to wait while glue is totaly dry and decorate my 'canvas'. Actualy, you may used a material on polystyrene foam pad instead of paper as well - that'll gonna be my next project, he he...
Taigi, belieka sulaukti, kol klijai visiskai isdzius, kad galeciau dekoruoti savo 'drobe'. Beje, and polistireninio putplascio galima klijuoti ir tikraja drobe ar paprasta medziaga - tai bus mano sekantis projektas, cha cha...
And here is a ready made picture, hanging on a wall...
O stai cia jau dekoruotas paveikslas ant sienos...
Thank you for stopping by! Have a good and creative day!
14 February, 2010
A book is for sale!
Hello all together, so finally Lina Jaruseviciute's book "Dekupazas" ("Decoupage") is for sale! Hurray hurray! There you could find some of my works as well. No no, not decoupage works, he he... Just a few scrapbooking decoration works.
If you would like to buy it, a book is for sale right here ;)
12 February, 2010
LO "Angel Look"
This LO "Angel Look" was made for scrapping.lt blog. Simple as it is... Paper used is Whitwashed cardstock from Core-dinations. Love those papers.
Have a good and creative day!
05 February, 2010
A Card "For a friend"
A card for my dear friend Laura. As well this card is made as an example card for scrapping.lt card challenge #1. The challenge this time was - buttons.

02 February, 2010
Card "Pink princess"
A card "Pink princess" is made for the challenge #52 at The Pink Elephant. This week it is a color challenge - Pink.
This card is dedicated to one little and cute princess Kamilla. I used DCWV paper from Luxury pack, a pease of pink material from old dress, a lace and filt border, and a princess is cut out from a paper plate, he he... Inside I used a pease of Prima paper as well.
This card is dedicated to one little and cute princess Kamilla. I used DCWV paper from Luxury pack, a pease of pink material from old dress, a lace and filt border, and a princess is cut out from a paper plate, he he... Inside I used a pease of Prima paper as well.
LO "Sweet little one babygirl"
And here is my newest LO "Sweet little one babygirl". This is Ulrika the same day she was born. She was soooooo little and sweet.
This LO is made as an example for scrapping.lt kompetition #1.

This LO is made as an example for scrapping.lt kompetition #1.
LO "Laukimas"
And here is my new LO "Laukimas" ("Waiting"). It is my present to my dear sister. A photo was made when she was pregnant. I framed this LO to make it as a picture.
Sorry for a bad photo. The background is made using trasparency from Hambly, so it is all shinny and photo is full of shadows. Anyway, I hope my sister likes it, he he...

Sorry for a bad photo. The background is made using trasparency from Hambly, so it is all shinny and photo is full of shadows. Anyway, I hope my sister likes it, he he...
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