First one is a cold one, he he... "is it cold?" - the title says. I could not make a normal photo of this LO, as the surface of the background paper is shining too much, like a photo surface.
04 January, 2010
Three new simple LOs
Hello there! Here I am after a long pause. After holidays its time to come back on track. Let's start slowly with some new simple LOs.
First one is a cold one, he he... "is it cold?" - the title says. I could not make a normal photo of this LO, as the surface of the background paper is shining too much, like a photo surface.
"I am angry!" Ulrika is angry not so often. Usually she is a very sweet and nice girl, but sometimes, those rare moments she might be really determined and show that she is not satisfied or she does not like something. As well she knows how to require some things she wants, he he... I am happy to catch this moment in photo!
First one is a cold one, he he... "is it cold?" - the title says. I could not make a normal photo of this LO, as the surface of the background paper is shining too much, like a photo surface.
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Ir tris kart puikiai :D
Pirmasis man be konkurencijos, nes koloritas mmmm.... :D
Ir 6iaip esi puiki "kepėja" :D :D
Kažkas kažkur jau rašė, kad Ulrika neatrodo pikta tame skrebuke. Man irgi neatrodo pikta. Tik labai juokinga :) Gražūs, dailūs, skrebukai. O pirmasis tai toks žiemiškai žavingas :)
man pirmieji du ypac patiko:) nerealios nuotraukytes:) tas pirmas tikrai tox saltas:) brr.. labai grazutis..o antras kox mielas:) juokinga fotke:)))
Sveika sugryzusi i skrepo pasauli! Labai pasiilgau tavo skrebuku ir ties tavieji nuostabus. Man ypac patiko tas dvelkentis saltuku.
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