Hello there! Here is my new LO "I seeU" made for
Skissedilla skisse #41. This photo is made while we were playing Hide-and-seek game. She was hiding over daddy's at that moment therefore one photo corner is black ... She loves to play it. Ulrika hides and asks as to find her, he he... isn't she cute?
From technical side I used two layers of transparencies, some glitter material from some old dress, lilies from IKEA, and that shabby lace around from flea market, he he...
Thanks for stopping by!
nu spejai tu cia priskrepyt svenciu metu ... sauknuole, grazybes :)
Ooo, tu ir sukies :) Gražutis skrebas... O Ulrikos žvilgsnis toks užburiantis... Visi norvegų jaunikaičiai gulės jai po kojomis, kai ji bus panelė :)
Oi... Kaip sitas LO sudomino! Duosi paciupineti??? Ui... grazuliukas...
This is just so beautiful and elegant! I just love all the elements you used! Just stunning in every way! BRAVO!
I'm so glad i found your blog because you have amazing scrapp results! This layout is just beautiful in colours and details and i love the title!
I will put you among bloggers i like to follow so i can visit you again! I live near by Gardermoen and it's nice to get to know scrapbookers through blogs(and sometimes we meet).
o jau tos akytes akytes, tiesiog uzburiancios :) aisku ir skrebukas puikiai sumeistrautas :)
Helt utrolig nydelig LO! elsker fargebruken og liljene fra IKEA da. så innmari kult!
Takk for at du deltar!
Nepriekaistingas LO :) o jau koks fainas tas nertas pagrindas...
What a glance, what a croping and what a layout!
fantastinis skrebukas:) jau spalvos kokios:<3 isimylejau:)o lelija..fantastika..apie maziukes akytes jau patyliu:)
Na, man apskritimai, o dar žydri jau vienaip ar kitaip visada patinka, o jei dar tokia fantastinė panelė šypsosi, tai jau viskas - super :D
Beje, ačiū, kad forume paaiškinai kaip viskas padaryta, nes jau būčiau būtinai klaususi ;)
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