01 February, 2011

Card for My Valentine

Hi everyone! Here it comes my new project - a card for My Valentine! This card is made as example for scrapping.lt challenge - circle card for valentine day.

For the top decoration I used canvas tag from Pink Paislee and distressed it for vintage look. I used Prima's blinkies as well to shape a heart around the picture and frame the title.
Closer look from a side...
I made a box for candles inside my card. A card itself opens in two ways and this is the view when you open it from the front.
From a side you can see better how it opens.
From back side card opens and there I can write a text to my dear one. As well it stays hidden for someone who does not know how a card opens, he he... Little bit mysterious, he he...
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Sužavėta šia įmantria ir labai dailia atvirute-dėžele. :)
    Ir, žiūriu, tinklaraščio "apdarus" pakeitei - net pagalvojau, kad ne ten pataikiau ;)

  2. hi i was so impressed with your work and your bog is so inspirational i just had to follow you love the vintage..but love it all so interestning and very clever creations hugs sassyxxx
