02 February, 2011

Photo boxes - DT OVA

 Hi there! New year has come and Our Vintage Affair is ready for new challenges. Not only with a new looks but as well with new challenges and inspirations. Come and join!

And here is my contribution to the February Altered Item Challenge: Photo boxes. This challenge is all about Photo Boxes. It can be as good alternative for photo albums or mini albums. It might be used to save some space on your shelf or as a present to dear person, it might be dedicated to few photos from one occasion or very many photos from one year.

If you have any troubles to make it yourself - here are sketches for two boxes shown above:

We look forward to see your projects! Good luck!


  1. Puikios dėžutės! Šaunuole! Ir dėkui už puikią įdėją ;-)

  2. Pažiūrėjau ir iškart užsimaniau išlankstyti :P Jaučiu tik grįžusi namo po darbo tuo ir užsiimsiu :)
    Gražios dėželės :D

  3. Labai grazios dezyyytes ir blogas nebe jodas uhuuuu
    viskas saunu superiskai :)
