22 January, 2011

Travel Circle Journal page

Hi there! Here is an album page for circle journal with title Travelling. This circle journal is held by one fantastic person I admire for her bright and warm personality. And, she likes to travel very much, he he. And I mean it - much! She has a blog, where you could read all about her travelling by sitting on Her Cosy Sofa.

As I forgot to take photos before sending it, I borrowed photos from her, he he... She made them after she recieved it :)

Title says: "Visiting places around me". I made a turning compass and chose a photo from my trip to Stochholm.

On the other side is a photo collage, hidden under ribbon bow, he he.
And a small letter to the journal owner hidden under the 'door', he he...
That was an interesting experience! Wish you could try it as well!


  1. Suuuuuper :D O as kankinuos, kaip i viena puslapi sudeti kelioniu nuotraukas:P O cia - vieeeens, ir visos sudetos:)

  2. Ačiū už tokį gražų manęs pristatymą, net susikuklinau. O dar labiau ačiū už tokį šaunų skrebuką. Tik aš, tikra varna, nu ne kitaip, pradėjau jį žiūrėti nuo kito galo :oD
