20 January, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Hello there!!! Yes, its a beautiful morning! Cold, freezingly cold, but sunny and fresh... Still living with memories about yesterday's amazing evening - opera Jevgenij Onegin were Lenskij was a Lithuanian tenor E.Montvidas! Fantastic! Amazing! Unforgettable!

And here I find even TWO MESSAGES (!) I have got a Stylish Blogger Award! Yuhhuuuuu!!! Unbelievable! The same award twice! Its a double joy, the double happiness. One I recieved from an Auksaranke (English translation: Golden Handed - ant that is very very true! This girl is realy amazingly good in all handworks and crafts). And another one from Agnuze - oh, God, she is so talented in felting! All her works are gorgeous!
But, as everyone knows - its not for 'free', he he... No no, I do not need to pay for it, but have some assigments to do, he he... First, to write 7 truthful and honest things about me... oh oh oh...I am in trouble here :)

But here it comes:
1. I talk a lot! And I mean it - a lot! Especially if I am nervous, emotional, excited or stressed, he he... But then after such a moment I definately need a quiet moment, when I just sit and enjoy the silence... My husband calls it 'stand-by-function' :) and usualy during that silent moment I receive the best creative ideas, he he...

2. Sleeping for me is a necessity. I need to sleep at least 8 hours a night, otherwise I get crumpy and irritated, he he...simply I cannot function without sleep...

3. I am a pure B-person (in Lithuanian we call such a people 'Owls', he he...) Morning is not a good time to work for me, but night is the time when my creativity florishes.

4. Do not like to write letters and messages about nothing... Yes, I know that sometimes its enough to say: "I remember you, I think about you" to the person, but when I need to write bla bla bla in letters, we call it "writing about the weather", he he - oh, its a dissaster for me, he he... Although in general I like to write stories, articles, novels... I like the process of writing but only with the meaningful text. If I have nothing to write, I will write nothing...

5. I like questioning. Yes, I like to question things, and for somebody that might be very annoying (I can see how people get irritated and even angry, he he), I understand, he he... But I cannot let it go if I do not find out everything what is interesting for me. Especially if there is something I am realy interested in, but the same doubtful for me - then I just feel a need to analyze every aspect of it, every detail, and every 'what if...' situation...

6. I like honesty, hate lies. Hate when someone lies into your eyes... I somehow feel when a person is lying to me and that is a terrible experience. I respect a person, who better say: 'sorry, I cannot lie to you so I better say nothing'...

7. And the last but not least - like creative approach to everything. I do not like rules and especially hate when person says: "do like I say (and do not question it because I am right)"... Hmmm... As I always say - truth is a relative thing (even white is not always white) - what is an absolute thuth to one person maybe be a lie to another. I like when there is more than one answer to a problem or question, or more than one problem solution... Therefore I always say: "yes, I understand...BUT..." I like creative approach, creative solutions to everything. If there is a challenge I like the work which would be the 'wow' solution, something different, unexpected... And myself I try to look 'out-of-the-box', and sometimes that puts me in a trouble, he he...

Uff... I guess that was it, he he... But than - I need to pass on my award to 15 (!) other bloggers I follow or like. Hmmm... I wanna pass it on to people I realy like and admire:


Thank you all, for being, for what you are and how you are!


  1. Aciu, kad pasidalinai. Buvo tikrai idomu suzinoti si ta daugiau apie tave.
    Galiu pasakyti, kad as irgi nemoku rasyti apie nieka ir pan. beletristiku.
    Be to, niekad nesilaikau poziurio, kad viskas tik juoda arba balta - ten tiek visokiu atspalviu yra, kad oi, t.y., visam kam tikrai yra daugiau nei tik 1 sprendimas ;)
    Be va, mano kurybingumas prilygsta 0 nakti...

  2. Oi, ir dar amirsau padekot uz nominacija - aciu :)

  3. I loved reading this post of yours. Thank you for writing about yourself so that I could get to know you. This was a very interesting post.

  4. Very... Nicee... Blog.. I really appreciate it... Thanks..:-)
