17 January, 2011

Do-it-yourself flowers

Here it comes a new challenge at scrapping.lt with the task to do a flower yourself.

First flower I made form silk paper. On a picture you can see steps how I made it and a final version in a middle.
1. You need a stripe of a silk paper.
2. Fold paper along the stripe. It may be uneven.
3. Crumple as a fan one side of a paper stripe.
4. Cut ut round piece of a carstock paper - that will be the base for a flower.
5. Glue the crumpled side to a middle of the round piece - I used hot gun glue to glue it.
6. Attach the embelishment in the middle of a flower to hide glued part.
7. Form paper flower as you wish it to look.
The second flower was easy to make, he he. Once upon a time I bought a ribbon from Papirloftet, but could not use it anywere. And here it comes a beautiful flower made from this ribbon. In fact, you could easily make such a ribon yourself. Just fold it as a fan and sue it by squeezing alond the side. You just need a firm ribbon to hold the shape.
Good luck! Here is your chance to show what YOU CAN DO!!!

1 comment:

  1. Labas,
    neradau el adreso, tad rašau čia.
    Labai grazios geles, kaip ir visi tavo darbai :)
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