This little project is made for
Let's Get Shabby challenge #10 Shabby Easter. This is a mini album in an Easter Egg. I call it Swan Egg Album, he he...

Swan is crocheted (is that a right word for it?), a button is from my old coat, letters (it means "Good Easter" or "Happy Easter") are rub-ons, pearls from old necklace, and some Easter feaders for swan to fly, he he...

En Egg is from cardstock, painted with acrylic paint white from outside and pink inside. Then covered with material from old curtain from outside, lace decorated with ribbon around, and some distress inside...

And a mini album inside the egg... Papers from Prima, WB, and others. Enjoy!
OMG this is just gorgeous! Did you chrochet the swan yourself? I´m so deeply impressed!
Na, va šituo darbeliu tu išvertei mane iš klumpių (dabar turetum mane įsivaizduot nugriuvusią)... :)
Didžiausia pagarba tavo fantazijai, kruopštumui ir įgyvendinimui :)
WOW! this is gorgeous. So creative. Fabulous creation.
Na mergica!!! Cia tavo crazyskiausias ir tuo paciu nuostabiausias darbas!!! Likau apsalus!!!
Wow! Stunning creation!!!!
So creative!!
Sweet album!!
Thanks for playing along with us at Shabby!!
WOW!! STUNNING piece and so much details Polly xx
totally awesome thanks for playing along with us at shabby
GULP.... Wow this is so CREATIVE!!!! Thanks for playing with us at Shabby!!!
Stunning work!!!
Thanks for playing along in the Shabby Easter Challenge :-)
Such a unique idea and beautifully crafted and presented!!
Thanks so much for playing along with Shabby!
WOW!!! totally stunning! Amazing amount of work! Gorgeous!
Fantasika. Na jau čia tai fantazijos viršūnė. Pribloškiai visame kame
Loreta, tu man pasakyk, kaip išreikšti tai, kam neturi žodžių... Aš be žado. Kiek dar nuostabių, genialių idėjų sukasi tavo galvoje!? Nuostabus darbas! Trūksta žodžių jo sukeltam įspūdžiui apibūdinti...
this is awesome!
so creative.
Absolute stunning creation! Very creative! Love it!
Thanks for playing with us at Shabby!
hugs, Tímea
COngrats for being featured on Scrapbook Crazy!!
Totally deserved, because this project is absolutely stunning!!!!
Thanks so much for playing along with us at Shabby!
WOW, that is awesome! Love your take on the challenge!
Hugz, Z
super ideja!
nepakartojamu nepakaretojamas grozis!! tikras sedevras :)
wow, this is gorgeous!! So creative!
This swan egg album is so beautiful. So creative!!! Thank you for playing along with us!!
Not only are you an amazing scrapbooker but you can crochet!!
You totally turned an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan!!
Thanks for playing along with our easter challenge at Shabby:)
I am inspired!
pati graziausia gulbe albumas kiausiukas ir t.t. EVER!!!!
Very creative and unique. WOW that is so pretty.
Have a wonderful week.
Wow! fabulous mini-book. Kim
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