01 August, 2011

LO "Lump"

Hi everyone!

The new challenge is at OVA and it is all about "BIRDS"! 
Here is my contribution LO "Lump":

The story behind this photo is attach on other side of LO, he he. One day we were visiting friends and Ulrika very much wanted to jump on trampolyne. The next moment we remember was her flying like a birdie from trampolyne, as one of the bigger boys jumped on it and Ulrika bounced off. Landed softly on a grass but straight on her head. The result - a big lump on a forehead and very scaried parents, he he... This photo is made next day in a morning when she was getting ready to the kindergarten. She was so proud to wear Nalle Puh plaster and was telling everyone about her adventure, he he...

Here is a sketch made by me for this challenge, hope you will enjoy it:

The best part is that Nikki Sivils (DT blog for Nikki Sivils) is a sponsor of this challenge with a prize from their "The Friend Birdie" collection:

Do not forget to participate! Grab your oportunity to win those cute and sweet papers from Nikki!

Have a good week!


  1. aw bless, and such a gorgeous layout, I would say the birdie theme fits well with this and love the little blue bobbles too
    Hugs Kate xx

  2. Loreta, thanks to this wonderful inspiration!
    Hugs from Brazil.

  3. Great LO, the little girl is so pretty :-)

  4. Stakkars Ulrika! Men godt det gikk bra da! Hææærlig lo og de fuglene var jo bare hæææærlig...
    Ha en fin sommer videre!
