11 May, 2011

A Flower Basket

Hello again!

Today is a day when a new challenge starts at Anonyme Scrappere. And this time the challenge is "THREE (3)". It means that three things have to dominate on the creation, like: 3 papers, 3 flowers, 3 ribbons, 3 pearls, 3 stamps, etc. Even if it is a minimalistic creaiton, it has to be something 3. And it has to be writen on your blog, which things are 3 on your creation.

Here is my contrbution: A Flower Basket. Something a little bit different for a birthday present.

I used:
3 papers
3 stamps
3 punches
3 roses
3 rosebuds
3 leaves
3 butterflies
3 ribbons.

And even 3 types of glue, he he...

From a top with a present inside:

Have a wonderful and creative day!


  1. Å dette var en lekker kreasjon:-))
    Har aldri sett noe lignende - nydelig!!

  2. Way koks originalus krepselis :) as vis dar stebiuosi ir stebiuosi tavo nuostabiais netradicinukais :)
