10 April, 2011

An Easter Tag (DT OVA)

Hello there!

At Our Vintage Affair is new challenge announced - April TAG Challenge. The challenge was to make a tag to an Easter present by using the given picture. Here is my contribution to the challenge:

I used papers, ribbon and pearls from INKIDO,  flowers and metal charms from Kort og Godt. 

As well I am entering the challenge from Scrapperiket "Metal". As you easily may see I simlpy love all those metal charms and use it as much as I can, he he...

Have a creative week! 


  1. totally gorgeous and love the metal charms delicately placed behind and around the image with the lovely soft flowers
    Hugs Kate x

  2. Wonderful love the vintage feeling and the flowers (I´m a flowerholic ;) Have a nice day hugs Anna-Lotta

  3. Nydelig tag spekket med flotte detaljer:-))

  4. Så utrolig nydelig denne tagen var! Spekkfull av detaljer, og flotte, sarte farger.

    Tusen takk for at du deltar i utfordringen vår!

    Linda, SCrapperiket
