13 February, 2011

Happy news! Kortgleder DT!

Today is a happy day! I was chosen to become a Member of Kortgleder Design Team! Yuuuuhhhuuuuu!

Kortgleder is a Norwegian distributor of Nellies Choise products. Those punchers and dies are simply gorgeous! And stamps - yummmiiii! And for inspiration than you can peak into Kortgleder's blog. So many fantastic creations you may find in there!

I am very proud, excited and simply happy to be a part of such a creative and talented team!

Have a good and creative day!

(Photo from Polka Dot blog)


  1. Nuoširdžiai sveikinu! Tikrai pelnytai tave pakvietė ;-)

  2. didziausi sveikinimai - ir neblestancios kurybos linkejimai :)

  3. Wow Congratulations Loreta - those punches and dies really are gorgeous!!! Well done - you will be just perfect! Polly

  4. sveikinu sveikinu :) ir linkiu, kad tavuju originaliu ideju niekad nepritruktu :)

  5. oi, kokia faina naujiena :), nu bet tu ir saunuole buckis tau
