16 September, 2010

Vintage Tag - Our Vintage Affair DT

Hello everyone! I am sorry for being offline for such a long time. Currently I am working on a very exciting project, so I hope that you would understand and be patient - I will soon be coming back online with new works of mine... ;)

And now back to the point :) Our Vintage Affair is having a new challenge this month -
Vintage Tags!
And here is my take on a challenge:
I used and image from an old card and simply ripped off edges to make it fit to my tag, which is made from old package. A very shabby crocheted flower shaped napkin I cut into two, and put a a little angel to look at a sweet couple from above.
I simply love all metal embelishments...and those two hearts are as sweet as a couple in a picture...
Have a good and creative day!


  1. valiooo, tu sugrizai :) ir dar su kokiu darbeliu ;) labai pasiilgau tavo darbeliu :)

  2. Pamaniau, kad pasivaideno... bet neeee Tavo bloge kažkas naujo pasirodė ;) tai suskubau pažiūrėti ir begalo apsidžiaugiau, kad pagaliau nudžiuginai su tokiu mielu ir originaliu skrebuku :) laukiu ir daugiau Tavo kūrinuku ir gryštančios su visam į šias virt"erdves ;)

  3. tikrai labai smagu matyti tavo skrebukus - po tooookiooos ilgos pertraukos ;)

  4. What an amazing tag - love the textures !
