17 March, 2010

LO "3" - scrapping.lt challenge #2

LO "3" is made for a SCRAPPING.LT challenge #2. Photo is made in 2005 and it is probably the only photo where me, my mother and my sister are together. I cut a photo in three, which simbolize that we are different people with different characters and lifes, but we are tied with the ribbon as we are tied in a reality with very close relations' ties... Love you girls!
Challenge #2 is made by Nabon:
And some photos of details:

Have a good and creative day!


  1. Gražu, labai gražu, labai labai labai gražu!!!
    Buvau jau pasiilgusi tavo darbelių! :)

  2. Super, labai grazu! labai patiko kaip panaudojai nuotraukas, tie tagiukai...nu tikrai labai grazu ;)

  3. mane irgi papirko tagiuku ideja :) ir dar tas yremintas trejetukas - super!!!!

  4. Prisidedu prie visų tavo darbukas tobulas. Labai gražu

  5. nuostabu, ka jau cia be pridurti galima :) viskas jau pasakyta :)
