05 November, 2009

LO "Pirmas manikiuras"

Here is my simple LO "Pirmas manikiuras" (engl. "First manicure"). Ulrika was only two weeks old, but her nails got soooooo long. Me, as a first-time-mom and having no experience, read that it is better to brush nails than cut it for such a small babies. Now I am laughting at this photo and event itself soooooo much :)

Another interesting thing about this LO, is that I used sewing mashine. Yes yes, I recieved sewing mashine as a present for my soon-to-come birthday! I am soooo happy about it. And of course I wanted to try it on LO. Here is my trial version, he he... So I am sorry for curvy lines or broken threads, he he...

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Nuostabios nuotraukos! Koks trapumas! Ir spalvytes tokios baby...

  2. Too cute..what a funny story!! I always bite them off and he is nearly 2!!

  3. kaip faina..nerealiai kad nufotkinot sitoki momenta.. o ir skrebukas..super:)
