12 October, 2009

Mini album "Miles of smiles su mociute"

This mini album I have made some time ago, but only now decided to show it... The title says: "Miles of smiles with granny". Photos for this album I chose from the trip around Norway we had when Ulrika was 8month old.

The base for the pages are made from the packages of 7gypsies metal embelishments. I used pages of an old book and glued it with Gesso. Later used some Distress ink to get a soft Vintage look on pages. Here is the title page. I used stamps from http://www.purpleoniondesigns.com/ - I love those stamps!
This mini album was made to stand on a shelf:
First page:
Second page:
Third page:
Fourth page:
Fifth page:
Sixth page:
And the last page with a note for Ulrika about the trip and her time with granny. The text is hidden...but you can see the whole view:
And here is a cover for the album for easy and safe storage, he he... It is made from pages of an old book...


  1. saunuole, tiek darbeliu, matosi, kad issiilgusi screbo buvai ;) grazu...

  2. vajei kox albumiukas:)) tiesiog superinis, jau tox pilnas meiles. o dar tos senos knygos puslapiai, super:)

  3. Na ir gražus mini albumukas, o dar panaudojai natūralius augaliukus. Super.

  4. Siaip niekados nesitikejau kad mokslininkas knygas prades plesyti :)
    bet vardan meno ir....
    labai grazu!

  5. Šaunūs darbai, bet šitas man labiausiai patiko :)
