12 October, 2009

LO "Niam niam"

So here I am with my new LO "Niam niam". I could not choose the only one photo for this LO, so I used all 4 of them, he he...they are sooooo cute! Ulrika was only 7month old, when she tasted water mellon for the first time. And she loved it, and still loves! Then you may ask me: why the name is "niam niam", he he... Ulrika's first words were NIAM NIAM, yea yea, with "I". She is still pronouncing it with clear "I", he he... Everytime she saw water mellon, she could not stop saying: NIAM NIAM NIAM...

1 comment:

  1. niam niam-super. manoji irgi pastoviai niamniuoja:)))) ale jai viskas niam niam :))) fotkes nerealios:)) ir LO kaip visada zvingas:)
