03 September, 2009

Simple LO - Ulrika with granny

Hello girls! I have my mother visiting me, so I have no much time to scrap... still I found some time for this simple LO. Here is Ulrika 8 month with her granny (my mother) in Geiranger, with the view to Geiranger fjord. These pictures are from last year's trip around Norway.

And again I should say sorry for terrible photos... The background is sprayed with Glimmer mist, but there is almost no possibility to see it,he he... just imagine...

Have a good and creative day!


  1. Grazus... ir vos ne minimalistinis :))))) Kai pasididinu nuotraukas, matosi truputy mistas, bet turetu buti nuostabus efektas!

  2. koks mielas :) ir visai ne paprastutis, labai graziai ziurisi :)

    man ir matosi mistas (kai pasisidinau nuotrauka )

  3. labai grazus :)

  4. Hi Loriete, a nice simple layout from you....just perfect!!
    I hope you are having a lovely time with your Mum! xxx
