24 August, 2009

Birthday card and decorated Post-it note block

Hello everybody!!! This weekend I had some guests over for scrap-meeting. It was soooooo fun... I will prepare some photos later...

And here is my present to my dear friend. She is working at office so Post-it notes are the everyday thing. I decorated it for her:
And here is a card for another friend for her birthday. I used stamps from Purple Design, they are sooooo gorgeous! Inside the card I wrote congratulations and wishes on that empty space you can see... I also used a page from a wall calendar with the date of her birthday...
Have a good day!


  1. nuostabios dovaneles, labai patiko post it dekliukas, kazkada ir pati tokius dovanojau, tik, deja, ne tokius graaaazius kaip tavo :))

  2. så flotte ting du har lagd her.
    nydelige var de begge to.
    så lurt å bruke ark fra en veggkalender da ;-)

  3. niu kokie groziai nerealus..labai grazi atvirute..isduok kaip tu kljuoji tas geles..juk jos labai issokusios ta prasme 3D?

  4. This is stunning love it. I spy a Purple onion stamp there too.
