24 June, 2009

Table-card from jeans label

Hello there! First of all I wanna say hello to girls who joined my blog - labas merginos! Nice to see you here. Hope you are enjoying my creative works.

Here is my new scrap-work. It is a table-card for my dear husband. He always wanted something scrapped for himself, so now he can enjoy something cute, faminine and dear from me. Just I hope it will not be lost under the pile of working papers, he he...

Ulrika is 6month in a photo. Sorry for a wry picture, in reality the card is straight, he he...
Here you can see how it is bent. Picture from a side.
And here is a back side of it. It will stand on a table next to the window, so I had to make nice backside also, he he...
And at the end I would like to mention, that this table-card is made from a jeans label (you know, when you by jeans, they have this big carstock label sewed to it), he he...

Have a good and creative day!