22 April, 2013


Hello everyone!

Today a new challenge starts at WOC and this time is all about TWINE RIBBON. And here is my contribution to the challenge - a tricycle where I used twine ribbon for tassels. Hope you will enjoy it!

For this tricycle I used from WOC:
- Roses 25mm
- Rosebuds 6mm
- Rosebuds 4mm
- Self adhesive pearls 6mm
- Self adhesive pearls 3mm
- Twine ribbon
- Small textile bows

For this tricycle I used from Kortgleder:
- Heart dies MDF043
- Heart dies MDF022
- Round dies MDF030
- Round dies NDF032

With this tricycle I as well participate in a challenge at The Shabby Tea Room #163 ´Spring Bliss´, where colors of yellow, green and white (or cream) needs to be used (I used a pink as well, hope thats ok, and cream instead of white). As well there had to be flowers (oh yea, love flowers) and polka dots used (on a seat - not traditional polka dots, but still dots :) )

Have a good and creative week!


  1. This is absolutelty gorgeous!!!!

  2. another stunning creation Loriette, now we need a tutorial for this it is just so pretty, love all the fine deatails
