23 October, 2009

LO "Happy papa"

So here is my new LO "Happy papa". Oh, yes, my husband is a very happy and proud father! And I definately wanted to illustrate it, he he... This LO I call 'different' - it has no flowers, he he... But this time I just wanted to try something new... Its a pity you cannot see the perfect pearls on butterflies and sayings. But, it is impossible to make a good picture - today is so dark - autumn has really come...


  1. labai fainas skrebukas :), o tos rodykles tai visai super :) :) :)
    labai cia tinka

  2. Oi koks fainuoliukas tas tavo loliukas. O jau drugelių gražumėlis. Turiu jiems silpnybę.

  3. sitam LO man ziauriai patinka tos rodykles..ir tie drugiukai..toki kazkoki priduoda faina ir uzpildymo jausma ir tuo paciu kazkaip vyriskas tas darbelis.. niu patinka ziauriai
