08 September, 2009

Mini gift envelope

Hei again! I had my mum visiting me last 10 days. Jest before she came, she had a birthday. So I decided to make an envelope for present. And of course, I made a photo the last night, before she left, he he...

A present was very small, so I wanted to make bigger wrapping, so it would not get lost, but the same not too big envelope to wrap it, or to put it in. So, here it goes - mini envelope for mini present. Sorry again for terrible photos... View from the top: View from the side, to see the envelope wrapping style... It is closed by the ribbon... Love those pearls...
The view from the back...I love this stamp! Just it was stamped on a paper from luxury stack from DCWV which has pearlized surfice, so it got a little bit blure...yea, learning learning, he he...
Take a peak into inside of the envelope. Yea, there is a present, he he...
And here is a wrapped present... Mini mini, around 2x2cm with the package, but slightly expensive, he he...
Thank you for following my news! Have a good and creative day!


  1. nuostabi ideja! gerai pasidarbuota!

  2. Labai gražus įpakavimas. Tik nelabai supratau kas jame. Gal skanutis saldainiukas?

  3. Tavo gavoje genealios idejos! Manau artejant Kaledom pasiskolinsiu ideja. Nors noris ir maiseliu ideja pasivogti... :D

  4. niu kaip grazu..negaliu atsiziuret..super..jauciu ir as liftinsiu sita ideja:))) isduok man kaip tu klijuoji gelytes ir iskur pas tave tokie perlu verinukai ar pati gamini ar kazkur perki?
