24 August, 2009


So, here it is a story about our weekend scrap-meeting. I called it Scrap-pliap-meet, it meens scrapping-talking-meeting, he he... yes, it was sooooo much fun. At the begining we had some chat about different things, but later we were just SCRAPPING!!! Believe it or not! We forgot about coffe and cakes, just scrapping, he he... Here are our working ladies and one little scrapper with his work, isn't he a cutest scrapper ever? ;-)

The funny thing is that I could not find myself in my photos...typical... he he... It seems I was not there, he he...

And what about the scrap-works you may ask... Yes, there was a very productive meeting. It was only few hours long, but there were some things done, he he... But not by me... I was just running around and trying to be a good host, he he... Here is an LO made by Burbulex during the meeting:
And here is LO made by Linulyte:

And of course there was more done, but other works did not get into camera area, he he... Or the host was running too much around instead of making photos, he he...
As that was a really successful and fun meeting, I would like to thank all the girls for participating! 'Aciu' means 'thank you', and I mean it! Here are my small thank-you-cards for girls (names are hidden, they stand just under the 'Aciu'):

I hope there will be more meetings sooooo fun like this one! Thank you girls!

Have a good and creative day!!!

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