06 July, 2009

Skissedilla skisse #15

This LO I made for Skissedilla challenge skisse #15. There is my contribution to the challenge, the LO title: 'Those who sleep do not sin'. On the right hand side there is a poem from the Norwegian lullaby... On a photo Ulrika is only few weeks old. The first two months Ulrika was sleeping so much, that we have almost no photos of her awake for that period...

Have a good and creative day!


  1. Thank you so much 4 the visit 2 my blog & I'm so glad u did because now I hav found ur blog & ur work is just so beautiful!!! your details & designs r AWESOME!!!!

  2. Wow!!! What a beauty. I love all that details!


  3. wow!!! Yrasau sy LO i mano mylimiausiuju sarasiuka. Ir pati zinai - noresiu isciupineti :P Dievuleliau, kaip graziai gelytes sudeliojai. Ir drugeliai nuostabiai ykomponuoti! Spalvos kokios... Hmmm... Myliu sy LO!

  4. oi kokia nuostabi "mieganti grazuole" , o gelytes kaip graziai sudeliota viskas, sluoksniu gausybeeeee grazumelis :) :) :)

  5. Hjelpe meg så nydelig bidrag... masse lykke til med denne. Bloggen din kommer jeg til å titte innom ganske ofte ser jeg, du lager utrolig mye vakkert!

  6. Denne er så nydelig. Ser noe nytt hver gang. Helt utrolig
