14 July, 2009

LO "Thank heaven for little girls"

Hello there! Here is my new LO. I love to make such LOs, romantic, cute, girlicious... Again Prima papers, Prima flowers, Kort og Godt embelishments and some laces from flea market, he he... I love norwegian loppemarkets (flea markets). They have a nice tradition of donation to schools and of course because you can find there sooooo many nice things for your scrapbooking works!
And a few closer looks...

Have a good and creative day!


  1. oh my oh my. I have just found your blog and i am so glad i did .wooooow you are very talented and im not just saying. Off now to read through the rest of your blog woooow.

    tracey x

  2. As prisijungiu prie anksciau pasisakusios moteriskes. WOW!!! Kas man patinka, kad tu turi savita stiliu. Ir tavo LO vistiek skiriasi vienas nuo kito. Niekada nepabosta juos ziurineti, nes visuomet yra kokie ydomus sprendimai, idejos. Kaip puikiai sugalvojai su uztrauktuku! Kaip tinka neriniu juostele, kuri tarsi nuo Ulrikos kepuraites! Grazumelis!!!

  3. You have totally outdone yourself this time!! Your prima papers are perfect for this dreamy layout!

    I love the zipper I have seen this before but never as pretty and creative as the way you have done it.....wonderful lace...yup..gotta love those flea markets!!

    hugs Ruth xxx

  4. Sukk sukk sukk!!
    Rålekre layouter!!!


  5. herlighet Loriete så flink du er.
    bare kikker og kikker på alle dine romantiske flotte detaljer.

  6. Så vanvittig nydelig! Er helt målløs jeg!

  7. Wow, så utrolig lekkert! Så mye flott du lager, du er virkelig flink :O)
