12 July, 2009

LO "Sweet"

Hello there! Here is my new LO "Sweet" (text: "a baby is the biggest gift life can bring"). I was realy enjoying doing it, as this LO is the last in my first album! Yes, I finished my first album, and I am soooooo happy, he he... I have also two (I have started the third one also, but somehow cannot finish it) mini albums and a box full of cards, he he...

Paper I used are from Prima Whisper Collection, flowers from Prima, Kort og godt, metal embelishments from Kort og godt, feathers from Panduro, ribbon from Ålliens, and the white roses and a bird is from a curtain from Ålliens, he he...

Have a good and creative day!


  1. WOW!!!!!!!!! This is so beautiful!! SWeet pic & luv the colors & flowers!!!

  2. Dar vienas nuostabus LO! Pavydziu kaip tu, neatsizvelgianti y nuotraukos kokybe, gali sukurti toky grozy! Dar vienas LO yrasytas y mano mylimuku sarasa :P Labai patinka kaip sukuri kompozicija is skirtingu dalykeliu!

  3. Loriete this is incredible...you should be on the Prima DT!! I hope they see this as it's absolutely stunning...wonderful colours, photo and just a beautiful atmosphere around this page!!

    Congratulations on finishing your first album!!

    Hugs Ruth xxx

  4. Georgeous layout!! Love all the beautiful details :)

  5. wow."dåner" Du lager så mye utrolig fine LO`er. :D Tror jeg må innom deg både jevnlig.
